Error Codes

Shopwave error references

API Errors

id Status Code Title Description
899 500 Unknown Error Something went wrong. Please contact the site administrator
900 503 Service Down The service went down. Please check back later.
901 400 Invalid Client The client_id supplied is invalid
902 401 Unauthorised Client The app is not authorized to use our service.
903 400 Redirect URI Mismatch The redirect_uri supplied is not valid or is not registered with us.
904 401 Access Denied Access denied for the request
905 400 Invalid Scope The scope provided is invalid
906 400 Invalid Grant The grant type requested is invalid
907 401 Invalid Token The token supplied is invalid
908 401 Expired Token Token expired or invalid. Please renew your token
909 401 Invalid Code The code provided is invalid for your client_id
910 404 Not Found The resource you are looking for does not exist
911 401 Authorization Header Invalid The authorization header is invalid. The correct format is Authorization: {token_type} {accessToken}
912 403 Resource Not Allowed For Specified User The user does not own this resource and its forbidden
913 400 Required parameter or object missing in request One or more of the required parameters or object formation is missing in your request. Please refer the documentation
914 400 Email address is not valid One or more of the required parameters or object formation is missing in your request. Please refer the documentation
915 400 Promotion code is unique Promotion code is unique to a basket. Promotion code once used on one basket cannot be used again.
916 415 Unsupported Media Type The media type is unsupported by the server.
917 500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong.
918 400 JSON Web Token Invalid or Not Found JSON web token is not supplied or found invalid. Please supply a valid HMAC-SHA256 encoded token. The correct format is base64encode(JWT_Header).base64encode(Payload).HMACSHA256(Part1_encodedString, 'shared_secret'). Please refer to for more details.
919 429 Cannot handle too many request There is a limit for every object you can send to our server and you are exceding that.

User Errors

Users errors which appears in our registration, login forms in Shopwave secure area.

id Status Code Title Description
0 503 Service Down Temporarily Something went wrong. Please contact the site administrator
1 500 Unknown Error Something went wrong. Please contact the site administrator
2 401 Login Failed Invalid username/password combination or invalidated account
3 400 Username Invalid Please enter a valid username
4 400 Password Invalid Please enter a valid password. Your password must be greater than 6 characters and less than 40 characters
5 400 Firstname Empty Please enter your First Name
6 400 Lastname Empty Please enter your Last Name
7 400 Email Invalid The email supplied is invalid
8 400 Username Already Exist The chosen username already exist
10 400 Password missmatch Please check confirm password. It is different from password field
11 400 Captcha Error Please enter the letters as seen in the image
12 400 Verification Invalid Verification code is invalid
13 500 Email server down Something went wrong with our email server.
14 400 Email Already Exists This email is already registered with us. Please click here to retrive your password
15 400 Password Reset Link Invalid Your password reset link is invalid. If you like to reset your password please click here
16 400 Check Your Current Password The password that you entered does not match with this account. If you forgot your password, logout this account and use forgot password link from login page.
17 400 Account Not Found No account found with the email address supplied. Would you like to Register?