Shopwave warning references
id | Status Code | Title | Description |
601 | 403 | Baskets Already Complete | Each of the following basket IDs have already been flagged as complete and thus no longer editable. The developer should ensure that they are flagged as complete on the client application and remove the abilty to edit it further. MoreInfo supplies a list of Shopwave Basket IDs which have been effected by this warning. ObjectRef supplies a list of the client app's IDs which have been affected by this warning. |
602 | 403 | Transaction Already Complete | Each of the following transaction IDs have already been flagged as complete and thus no longer editable. The developer should ensure that they are flagged as complete on the client application and remove the abilty to edit it further. MoreInfo supplies a list of Shopwave Transaction IDs which have been effected by this warning. ObjectRef supplies a list of the client app's IDs which have been affected by this warning. |
603 | 400 | Multiple Stores Exist | Multiple store ids exist on a single basket call. This is not allowed to process promotions. |
604 | 200 | Newer Version Available | We detected that you are using older version of API. Please switch to a latest version. |
605 | 403 | Orders Already Complete | Each of the following order IDs have already been flagged as complete and thus no longer editable. The developer should ensure that they are flagged as complete on the client application and remove the abilty to edit it further. MoreInfo supplies a list of Shopwave Order IDs which have been effected by this warning. ObjectRef supplies a list of the client app's IDs which have been affected by this warning. |
606 | 403 | Baskets Not Complete | Each of the following basket IDs have not been flagged as complete and thus cannot have order info attached. The developer should ensure that they are flagged as complete on the client application and remove the abilty to edit it further. MoreInfo supplies a list of Shopwave Basket IDs which have been effected by this warning. ObjectRef supplies a list of the client app's IDs which have been affected by this warning. |